Online School
Yaratam languages
Our school has various learning options.
Leave a request, we will contact you and help to choose the appropriate format
Select a languages
English language
It is the language of international communication and the official language of 67 countries. 1 billion people speak English, and this is one in seven inhabitants of the planet
Russian language
One of the United Nations official languages. It is the most geographically widespread language of Eurasia and the largest native language in Europe. Ranks 4th among of the most translated languages ​​in the world
Tatar language
The national language of the Tatars and the state language of the Republic of Tatarstan. 2nd in terms of prevalence and number of speakers in Russia. It is the key to the entire group of Turkic languages
By studying at our school, you get ...
  • Comprehensive approach to language learning
    We pay attention to the key aspects of language: speaking, reading, listening and writing.
    These elements are inextricably linked and influence each other, creating a harmonious understanding and mastery of the language.
  • Competent organization
    and consistency of training
    We will not promise you unrealistic results in a short time: you will not be able to learn a language in a month. We competently and methodically build training so that your knowledge is of high quality and complete.
  • Qualified teachers
    Our teachers have Russian diplomas of pedagogical education and real teaching experience. They not only transfer knowledge, but also inspire students to learn languages and immerse themselves in the culture of countries.
  • Variety of courses
    Regardless of your level of training or learning goals – whether it's everyday communication, exam preparation or professional goals – you will find the right course here.
    We also have courses on getting to know the culture and history of the countries where the languages being studied are used.
  • Strong feedback
    We guarantee that every homework assignment is checked and the teacher is ready to help you deal with any difficulties and questions.
  • Community
    We unite people with common interests and goals, create a friendly atmosphere.
Individual lessons
2600 ₽ per lesson
A personal training program tailored to your goals. You will learn to speak and understand fluently, improve your grammar and replenish your vocabulary. We will help you set a goal and choose the appropriate course
Group lessons
1950 ₽ per lesson
Classes are held in small groups of 4 to 6 people to achieve the greatest success in conversational practice
Exam preparation
3250 ₽ per lesson
DVI, TRKI, Cambridge exams, IELTS, TOEFL.
Passing an exam is a very important stage that can often affect your studies or work. Our experienced teachers will help you prepare for it effectively. Our joint experience has allowed us to understand how to properly prepare for the exam without wasting time
Corporate training
3900 ₽ per lesson
The program is designed for companies wishing to improve the language skills of their employees.
The classes are tailored to the specific needs of the business
Conversational course
1950 ₽ per lesson
Classes are for those who want to communicate freely with native speakers. During the learning process, you will develop speaking and listening skills. At the end, you will be able to confidently maintain a conversation in the language you are learning
Pronunciation course
1950 ₽ per lesson
The course is designed for those who dream of speaking as a native speaker. In our phonetic course, you will learn how to speak correctly and beautifully, and your accent will become barely noticeable
Why «Yaratam Languages»?
«Yaratam» in translation from the Tatar language means «I love». This word perfectly reflects our sincere attitude towards the languages and cultures of the peoples of the world.

Our team of qualified teachers offers a unique learning environment based on true love for their work. We strive to help every student reach their potential and love the process of learning languages.

By choosing the online language school «Yaratam Languages», you make a choice in favor of high-quality, effective and convenient learning with experienced teachers and interesting programs.

Join us and start an exciting journey into the world of languages and cultures!
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With us, students come to results
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